Steamed Fried Egg

I’m trying different ways of makin’ eggs.  I found this recipe on the What’s Cooking America blog.  It’s the modern version of the “perfect fried egg” according to Master French Chef Fernana Point (whatever).  Lots of butter and about 10 minutes required.  It really tasted different than other, quick-fried-over-high-heat fried eggs I’ve had.  Good, fresh, happy eggs are important as well.  Try it out.

Steam fried egg

1 thought on “Steamed Fried Egg

  1. kitchengrl

    It’s “Fernand Point,” not Fernana. He’s the father of modern French cuisine and trained many of the big names of the 20th century — the Troisgros brothers, Alain Chapel, Louis Outhier — chefs who earned three Michelin stars. He wrote Ma Gastronomie.

    “Every morning the cuisinier must start again at zero, with nothing on the stove. That is what real cuisine is all about.”

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