Oven Poached Chilean Sea Bass in Olive Oil

This may sound complicated or foreign to you but I assure you, it’s very simple.  It’s a good quick recipe — it should take you about 20 minutes to prepare and you’ll be eatin’ it in about an hour.  You’ll need:

  • about a half pound of fish per person (Chilean Sea Bass, Halibut, Sole, Salmon, whatever)
  • a handful of Italian Parsley (cilantro actually tastes good also, if you like it)
  • one Meyer Lemon per person (to be safe)
  • between a half cup and a cup of capers
  • hella olive oil – about a quarter cup per piece of fish
  • a glass dish that will fit your fish
  • an oven pre-heated to 250 deegrees

a single layer of lemons

Begin by draining, rinsing and then coarse chopping the capers.  Set them aside and lay the fish pieces out on the paper they came in.  Sprinkle salt and pepper on each side and let them sit until you finish preparing everything else, about 10 minutes.

Slice the lemons in very thin slices, as thin as you can.  Lay as many as you can in a single layer in the bottom of a glass dish that will snugly accommodate your fish.  Pick off the leaves of the parsley (NO STICKS or STEMS).  Give them a few chops and set them aside as well.

a layer of fish

Lay the fish in a single layer on top of the lemons and then pour your capers over them.  Spread the rest of your lemon slices over the fish followed by the parsley.

the parsley

Pour your olive oil all over the fish.  Ideally you want the fish to be just peaking out from under the olive oil.  Don’t be scared to use a lot of oil, you’re going to remove the fish from the dish before serving it, so no one has to know you used so much, if you’re embarrassed.  Throw it in the oven for about an hour.  You will have to start testing the fish to see if it’s ready after about 45 minutes.  If it starts to flake, it’s definitely ready — don’t dry it out!  Also, if you want to pretend you’re a professional chef, add a little pad of butter on top of each piece of fish about 5 minutes before it’s ready.

the finished product

Thanks to Jenny M. for this.  This recipe can also be found at eipicurious.com, here.

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