The Trash Joke

It just so happens that outside our apartment in the Chiaraviglio atop the Gianicolo, the trash is sorted, dumped, re-dumped and crushed, or something like that.  It’s actually pretty unclear what is going on with the trash but it either happens between the hours of 1 and 4 in the morning or in the middle of the day when we can watch and try to figure out what in gods name is going on.

One day I was walking home from work and as I rounded the corner I saw one small street sweeper attempt to dump all it’s trash into another flat bed trash truck, miss and dump all its contents in a huge mound in the middle of the street.  Six trash men jumped out, swept the mound a little flatter and then three other street sweepers drover around over the wide mound until all the trash was sucked back up into the trucks.  Then they tried to consolidate again, this time in a corner so that in case they missed they could just leave it all in the gutter.  Wild. Hilariously inefficient.