Category Archives: AAR

A Day of Moretti

What better way to celebrate the completion of Thanksgiving than with a tour of Luigi Moretti architecture and design throughout the city of Rome.  He was a prodigy!  And by the end of the day I could see why.

By 9 am, we were already inside the Casa della Gioventù a Trastevere (built in 1933).  My favorite design feature of this building were the windows, shown below, that fanned open upon pushing the bottom one outward.  My engineering side was thrilled by the simple lever system.  The unusual “L” shaped pool was also interesting to see.

Casa Della Gioventu a Trastevere

the pool at Casa della gioventù a Trastevere

Next stop, the Restauro della Torre a Porta S. Sebastiano.  We started inside the museum, which, if I remember correctly, was actually home to Moretti at one point in his life.  Corey is standing on top of a mosaic in one of the small rooms inside the porto.  The view from the top was also stunning and we were actually able to walk along the bottom of the wall for about a hundred meters.

Restauro della Torre a Porta S. Sebastiano

the wall from Porta S. Sebastiano

Next we went to see the exterior of the Casa detta il Girasole, constructed in 1949.   The facade of the building is a strange mishmash of material and designs all flowing together somehow.  The front of the building is smooth mosaic and only a few inches thick while one of the other street sides is a bulkier, uneven material like unpolished travertine.  Apparently it was commissioned by some count that Moretti met while in jail.  The count owns the top floor of the building.  Must be nice.

Casa detta il Girasole

Casa detta il Girasole facade

The Palestra del Duce al Foro Mussolini was a shell of a building and Moretti was assigned the task of designing the inside.  I’m not sure if that means the entire inside or just some of the rooms but what we saw of his work was pretty ridiculous.  Mussolini’s gym, now a conference room, was amazing, high ceilinged, and clad on 3 sides with amazing slabs of marble, each apparently hand picked by Moretti.  We also were able to see where Mussolini himself used to tan (the third picture below).  What a weirdo.

Palestra del Duce al Foro Mussolini

Mussolini's Gym at Palestra del Duce al Foro Mussolini

Where Mussolini tanned in Palestra del Duce al Foro Mussolini

Our last stop was the Moretti show at the Maxxi.  We were given a tour by the show’s designer and another Moretti expert.  It was the first time all of his documents, designs and models have been shown since his death because of some legal dispute between his family and his architecture firm.  The models and sketches were very cool to see, especially after seeing the actual buildings close up.  It’s so awesome to see how some crazy sketch idea can turn into an actual physical building.

at Maxxi

the show designer at the Moretti show at Maxxi

Thanksgiving at the American Academy in Rome

Fall came and went at the AAR pretty quickly.  We finished it off with quite a week!  I don’t think I’ve ever worked so hard in my life while having so much fun.  In addition to our regular meal service schedule, we had to prep a bunch of stuff each day and night for the big meal on Thursday.  Luckily, I love Thanksgiving, I love turkey and I love stuffing.  Oh, and I love eating it all, preferably together, on bread with cranberry sauce.  And mustard.  Weird?  No.  Delicious.

Fall came and went at the AAR

We began with 13 turkeys and a turkey beauty contest to choose the prettiest, bustiest one.  This is the winner.

turkey beauty contest

I actually, very surprisingly, have few pictures of the food because I was running around doing so many things.  I was also shooting a lot of video which will be up soon once I cut out all of the sassy lip.  Here’s Mona, ready to direct traffic.

and we're almost there

And then we’re off: feast and GO.

feast ready to go

Our two dashing waiters, Alessandro and Gabri with our showturkey, the winner of the turkey beauty contest.

alessandro and gabri with the show turky

There were also so many pies.  Pumpkin, fresh, obviously and apple.  Also fresh, obviously.  Pretty darn yummy.

so much PIE

Happy, happy diners.  One hundred and five in all.

happy AAR diners

A little post feast wiffle ball with the Rudester and the director, Chris.  Go America.

paul rudy batting

And finally, some delicious wines to celebrate and very successful thanksgiving.

some special wine

Working in the Garden

The RSFP’s garden at the AAR is a constant source of controversy.  Luckily, as interns, we just work in it and don’t have to deal with any of the ridiculous, annoying politics that stipulate importance of appearance over practicality and purpose.

On Wednesday we typically work in the garden weeding, seeding, planting, harvesting peppers and lettuce, transplanting or picking fruit.  This week was particularly exciting because our beets grew enough so that we could thin and move them so that they can grow even more into big yummy beets in the soil.

Chris thinning, weeding and transplanting beets

tidied up beets

We also were finally able to plant starts for Venezia and Oak Leaf lettuce that we had seeded about a month ago.  Lots of lettuce to come.

our newly planted babies: venezia starts

Aesthetically, they aren’t beautiful but they look very professional and they serve an incredibly important purpose in the health of our lettuce and starters.  I’m talking about he tarps.  And the best part about them, you can’t even see them from outside the garden because the hedge blocks them from view.  So who really cares?  We’ll all just have to learn to love them.  They come with the lettuce.

the highly controversial plastic tarp covers

And, of course, Andrea showed us how to pick Quince like a boss.

Andrea monkey picking quince